More than 5.26 million people have died from coronavirus in the world


Five million and 261,473 people have died from the coronavirus in the world, and 265 million 805,280 people have been infected since the beginning of the pandemic, the new press agency France reported today.

The number of officially infected does not reflect the real number, as many countries only test patients who need hospital treatment.

The United States was hardest hit with 789,745 deaths and 49,278,724 infected.

It is followed by Brazil with 615,744 deaths and 22,147,476 cases of infection, India with 473,757 deaths (34,648,383 infected), Mexico with 295,313 deaths (3,902,015 infected) and Russia with 283,644 deaths (9,864,845 infected).

Among the hardest hit countries, Peru has the highest death rate in terms of population, 611 per 100,000 inhabitants. It is followed by Bulgaria (415), BiH (390), Montenegro (371), Hungary (369), Northern Macedonia (368) and the Czech Republic (317).

Europe has 1,548,384 deaths (86,890,487 infected), Latin America and the Caribbean 1,544,577 deaths (46,822,842 infected), Asia 906,048 deaths (57,511,122 infected), the United States and Canada 819,524 deaths (51,089,072) infected), Africa 223,969 deaths (8,785,461 infected), the Middle East 215,624 deaths (14,386,389 infected) and Oceania 3,347 deaths (319,916 infected).

France Press makes a daily balance based on state data from countries around the world and information from the World Health Organization.